Broken Ghost (2017)
Interesting, engrossing, realistic
22 July 2022
Hats off to Abe Pogos and Catherine Hill for the screenplay and story. I liked the slower unfolding and revelation of the essential elements. Plus, I like that we have to wait for some answers, like in real life. The film, to me, has an easy feel and beat to it, like a heart. Regular most of the time, some blips and surprises. Early on, we learn one of the characters is different. Interesting. Already I'm hooked and invested. The level of intensity in performances was equal and solid across the entire cast, and seamlessly natural. Thank you, Richard Gray and anyone else who was part of casting. Finally, a fantastic job by Melissa Ferreira, and her assistant Yvonne Reddy on hair and make up. Even in the close ups later in the film, every detail looked right. All in all, a quiet, interesting, story that touches on some current issues but isn't about them. This is a film about people, produced and acted by people who obviously cared about the project. Nothing pushed, understated, yet I was screaming on the inside for more. I was totally invested in these people, and in the attention paid to the details of everything, no matter how small. I was just there. That rarely happens to me. I write, so I saw the ending coming. Loved it. Perfect. Hence the ten. On this one, writing nudged it up there.
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