I like it
23 July 2022
People are stupid. All these reviews complaining about the owners of ACS are idiots. Obviously if you have a well-established company, as the owner, you eventually get to stop working as much. That's just life! Josh and Lianny do not seem at all irritated by their job. They knew what they signed up for, and they are doing their job. Would I want to do it? No! But Josh has said over and over again it doesn't bother him and he loves his job. He also knows he's going to inherit the company one day! Duh. Make it work.

I find the process of cleaning up a property interesting. And I've learned multiple things. People are just ridiculous and judgmental. Just because it seems rehearsed and fake, and by the way it's a reality show so it is, doesn't mean Josh is unhappy.
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