Tami show called Caught in the Act. Unfaithful. I am watching now. The NEW CHEATER show. I love it!
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Tami Roman, looks great, when she is interviewing the lady who is trying to see if McKinley is a no good Male H---e cheater. I like Tami.

She is beautiful. I love Tami's beautiful opening too. Her blonde hair-style is pretty on her too, but she look most beautiful to me,

with red color hair style. I just knew McKinley had another chick. His girlfriend who caugh him,

in the act, was a very cute, nice looking woman, from Nigeria, she will be ok. I am sure of it, his loss NOT hers.

Tami is amazing on the show. I am telling her this on FB tonight.

She is great and should have her own television show, in reality fashion. So many no good male cheaters, women do i too. I love Tami Roman, and her show. Hope it does stay on the air longer than 1st few episode's.

Tami is middle-age, so not OLD., yet, therefore, has ALOT of great life, to be living,and this show is FIT for her to be a host of.

She is not OLD yet, that is way past mid to late 60s. I wish and hope this show stay on.

Ladies, remember: Red flags are always in front of us, but up to us to love ourselves enough NOT to put up with it. Life too short for it.

If he is showing signs i.e., "not calling" like he used to, or using 'more text" instead of calling you, there is a bright red flag and or avoiding you more than usual.

If he is acting diff, staying out later, not wanting you to know where he is, a big red sign.

Up to you, to NOT miss the signs, and get out, before you're dumped.

I feel women are better off with women, personally (or) become happy single, don't rely on a man to make you happy, ladies, then when he leave, you're still happy, heathy and financially,mentally,spiritually going to be OK, til you meet the right one.

  • Life too short to settle. Remember that.
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