2000 Mules (2022)
Irrefutably irrefutable - to the irredeemably deluded
23 July 2022
Trumpers love to call baseless claims of election fraud "irrefutable". The less basis, the more irrefutable. You see the same here. Out of his ballyhooed 4 million minutes of dropbox video, D'Souza only shows a few single people dropping single ballots into a single box. Except for one person - more on him below.

So he chose several clips which could be handwaved into looking "suspicious" and the cast tries desperately to do that.

-- A couple folks bring only one ballot but have to deal with one that falls out of the box... so these are spoken of as having brought several.

-- Kinda shaky so "let's look at another mule"... This one tosses her gloves in the trash BUT doesn't first look around for the bin. So she's obviously a hardened criminal who had cased the joint earlier and slyly planned her (single) ballot drop far in advance... unaware that she could simply have mailed it in to avoid the video cameras.

-- When government workers empty the box we are told sadly "Look at that... so many ballots" - as if they're all somehow fake!

The deception and absurdity abounds. The ONLY video D'Souza has of someone dropping off more than one ballot is a man legally bringing in all of them for his family. D'Souza tells us that we are watching a crime in progress and that those are "fraudulent ballots". A total lie.

Not having ANY videos of multiple ballots dropped at multiple boxes, D'Souza has an actor do that! Complete with hoodie and frightened expression, and spilling "ballots" out of his backpack as he "stuffs" them into boxes. So we'll be sure to get the idea.

Having all this irrefutable (baseless) evidence of mulery, D'Souza simply multiplies the mules we (didn't) see by the number of ballots they (weren't) carrying and the number of boxes they (didn't) go to, and finds there were hundreds of thousands!

He has to invent a source for all of these: non-profit community shelters and 4H homes bamboozling hundreds of thousands of their residents!

Nothing is too spectacularly absurd for him to say. He "proves" this by claiming that cellphone data has shown that thousands of people (the mules, remember) not only were near those places but also went near a dropbox! Of course nobody can see his analysis... just take his word for it.

All this irrefutable evidence is the more irrefutable because it rests on the word of a convicted election campaign fraud felon: D'Souza. Whom Donald Trump pardoned btw.

So as promised: irrefutably irrefutable. Deny that, you deniers! America, we have a problem!
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