Bones: The Fury in the Jury (2013)
Season 9, Episode 9
A Bones take on 12 Angry Men
24 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really good episode of Bones. I think it is fun that Brennan had to be on a jury this week. It made for an interesting twist on the usual structure of these episodes. It was fun watching Bones convince everyone that the prosecution did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt (it reminded me of the movie 12 Angry Men). I also like that the murder of the week ended up relating back to the case.

The downside was having to listen to Daisy talk about how she is an authority figure because she was the lead anthropologist while Brennan was away. All I know is that I would not trust Daisy to run the Jeffersonian without Brennan there to catch her mistakes.

I also like that we made progress on Cam's identity theft. It's such a random storyline, but I am invested in seeing how it ends.

I also liked the evidence that caught the killer in the end. I feel like it was pretty realistic, especially compared to some of the magical evidence they have had in the past.

Overall, I thought this was a really good episode.

Best Part: Bones describing all those facts about the old lady on the jury

Worst Part: Listening to Daisy offer her couch to Cam because they are kind of equals, like chill Daisy, you are nowhere near equals to Cam.
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