Ditched (2021)
Requires too much of a suspension of disbelief
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How this premise all comes together, I'm thinking, near-impossible.

Ditched is the type of horror movie I like. Claustrophobic, single-location, limited cast. It starts off intriguingly enough. A police car and ambulance are run off the road into a ditch, in the middle of nowhere, while transporting prisoners. Melina (Marika Sila), a paramedic, awakens and seems to be exhibiting symptoms of a concussion. From there, it goes straight downhill as it becomes apparent (to me, anyway) that this movie suffers from a poorly written script. Not only does the situation become blatantly obvious, but they spell it out for you!

Ditched relies heavily on horror cliches, an unoriginal story (though presented in a unique - and unlikely - way), foreshadowing, stating the obvious, unlikelihoods for the convenience of the plot, and loads and loads of clunky final act exposition. Dear Lord. I checked, and this movie is from *2021*, and it contains maybe the biggest horror movie cliche of an ending there is (besides the killer vanishing, for a potential sequel). The second Melina sees a car, you're thinking, no, they couldn't possibly pull this one. Then it drags you along for the ride, thinking full well they've got you fooled! Insulting.

Movie features several appalling performances. But you're OK with me Marika... Ha cha cha cha! I did enjoy the final credits crawl scene, maybe the best part of the movie. Yeah, a solid FOUR.

Extras: Oh, also, don't watch the official trailer beforehand. It gives away the entire plot. The original production trailer leaves things slightly more mysterious. Had I known there was a longer cut of the movie tucked away, well I would've wasted 5 more minutes, I guess.
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