It Has a Strong Finish
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like some of the other reviewers, I wasn't enamored with this after the first episode. Too much Ethan Hawke and his pals and after the Covid malarkey I don't ever care to do another conversation of conference via Zoom again. But there is some amazing footage and transcipts from Newman and Woodard's life to share. In particular, I'm glad some transcripts from Newman's first wife, Jackie-they had three children together before Paul hooked up with Joanne and left her. Part 4 dealt heavily with Paul's infidelities while married to Joanne and his alcoholism, while Joanne was jealous of Paul becoming the biggest star in film while her career was at a bit of an impasse raising their 3 children-admitting that had she had to do it all over, it wasn't worth putting her career on hold. While Newman and Woodward were film royalty, like all of us they have faults and deep insecurities. The final episode wraps it well and shows that time does make most of us wiser and appreciate the smaller things that life gives us. Newman gave back big time, his foundation through his food business gave many millions to unfortunate kids.

BTW, met Newman once. Very nice guy and didn't act like a "movie star."
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