EZ Streets (1996–1997)
Ahead of its time
30 July 2022
This show was produced before 10-episode seasons were a thing. If that genre had been launched before 1994, I think this show would have been as big as The Shield or Bosch. As it was, not enough people watched it in the first few weeks, and so ithe major network that hosted it pulled the plug.

Every week it was like watching a movie - that's how good the story, script, and acting were.

Paul Haggis created, wrote and directed. Multiple integrated plot lines were woven together as Ken Olin's dogged detective goes after Irish gangster Joe Pantoliano in a depressed city. Seasoned characters like Mike Starr, John F. O'Donahue, R. D. Call, Richard Portnow, and others fill in the other threads to create a very engrossing show.
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