Pretty good adaptation of a great manga
31 July 2022
"My Brothers Husband" is based on a manga of the same name, and depicts a single dad coming to terms with the death of his brother, and the presence of his Gay, Canadian Brother-in-law. It's short, with only 3 episodes meaning it could even be watched in one sitting.

After reading the original manga and finding out that a live action adaptation was made, i immediately rushed to watch it - despite a few scenes missing and some rearranged events, it sticks fairly close to the manga and is a very enjoyable adaptation. Unfortunately while some scenes are adapted entirely faithfully (and sometimes improved even more thanks to the incredibly acting from the main cast), some scenes depicting the protagonist's development are missing, which is sad as they were some of the best aspects about the manga. While the adaptation doesn't go as in-depth into the struggles of acceptance and homosexuality in Japan, it still succeeds in bringing the characters and story of the manga to life, and deserves far more attention than it has received.
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