Review of Our Town

The Vampire Diaries: Our Town (2012)
Season 3, Episode 11
Caroline's Birthday/Funeral
1 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Elena does boxing to blow off the feelings from Damon's kiss last night. Damon is chipper as he showers and then wraps a towel.

Bonnie comes walking in looking gorgeous to Elena decorating Caroline's locker for her birthday. Tyler gifts Caroline a charm bracelet.

Matt, Bonnie and Elena go to the cemetery to celebrate Caroline's birthday/funeral. Tyler shows up and while they make out he accidentally bites Caroline due to his siring. Caroline freaks out and tells him to leave.

Stefan kidnaps Elena and drives her to Wickery Bridge. He feeds her his blood while on the phone with Klaus to convince him to get his hybrids out of here. Stefan leaves Elena at the bridge and drives away.

Klaus shows up at Caroline's door to give her his blood.

Damon walks Elena up to her doorstep. She thanks him for picking her up from the bridge. She tells him he cannot kiss her again as it is not right. Damon replies it is but just not right now.
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