The Bible vs. Joseph Smith (2010 TV Movie)
Proof of the Fabricated Book of Mormon and it's False Prophet
3 August 2022
As an ex-mormon, I can appreciate the way that this movie progresses and all the points that it touches upon. As technology, archaeology, and linguistics progress, it is so obvious that the Bible is the Word of God. The evidence is everywhere!

This movie is in no way disrespectful to Mormons and it carries a message of Love and understanding towards their being lost, an exposure of only several of many corrupted beliefs, and a hope for their return to the Word of God.

The producers could have touched base on the dark past of Mormonism with topics like: polygamy (Josephs 30+ wives/some only 14 yrs old, many had husbands), the churches public coverup (lying about Josephs practice of polygamy), the Book of Abraham (Smith claimed to have deciphered from an ancient scroll and it turned out to be a total hoax/Translators prove Smith a con man), the Journal of Discourses (recorded conflicting beliefs and statements from the early years of the church/ the Journal is a word for word accounting of sermons and church teachings), The First Vision (which is a lie because no man can see God's face and live/ check Exodus 33:20), the JST Bible (where Smith writes himself into the prophecies of the Bible and adds a significant amount of untrue and unfounded text), the Book of Mormon (200+ changes to text and meanings/near 4,000 changes if you include all errors of transcription), Nephites and Lamanites (a story of a people and war that never existed),Book of Mormon (Smith again writes himself into prophecy and copies text from the Bible), Hill Cumorah War (enormous war and death toll and not a single shread of evidence to prove it happened/ another fabricated story by Smith), Nauvoo Expositor (destroyed by Smith for exposing him to public), Joseph Smith was incarcerated for treason and conspiracy (his abuses upon the people of the United States, the church's men, women, and worst of all.. children, led to his incarceration and murder), Smith was a felon (while under arrest, Smith arranged for a gun to be brought and smuggled in and he shot 3 persons before being gunned down by other felons), Kirtland Bank (Joseph swindled his followers).... There is much more to touch base upon, but I am content that the producers of this movie kept it simple and used God's Word to attempt to bring the Mormon's into the light of Christ and see the errors of their ways.

It's so uplifting to see Love being shared between people !!!
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