Has cool shots v.s Other PA films BUT 🙃
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Few points
  • I like that they finally gave us a PA film that uses hugh-quality cameras. Like, the audiencr wants to see every detail.

  • HOWEVER, in doing so, it leaves that "imagination can be scary" factor which the original PA film had.

  • It went with the original's pacing where it's sloooow sloow slow then boom boom boom. But since this is the nth film, the reveal felt too obvious. Then again, you don't watch PA film for the unique plot. You watch it to see a super scary hollywood version of demons
  • PLEASE... The camera flashlight. We know they had to keep it on for the audience but it made the characters seem stupid. Imagine not wanting to be caught for sneaking in, and what do you do? Keep your camera flash on and hope the other people on the room pretends they don't see you.

LASTLY, this one feels disconnected with the other PA films. Not a hint of connection, other than being a found footage film - but more professionally taken. So I hope they connected it even the slightest like say, the demon be the same demon. Cause it honestly made me feel like they're just profiting off the title. Promising us PA but delivering something else.

The acting's also okay. The camera quality really hides the actors' performance, which can be a good or bad thing for them. But PA was never about the acting, so it's okay.
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