Alex kurtzman, why am I not surprised
4 August 2022
The most awful, awful writing and direction. Although I figured out what was going on by rewinding and studying the shots, it was not at all clear what was happening or why. So much explosions and gun fire and noise, on what is supposed to be a covert mission by Ethan Hunt, a man who it has been made absolutely clear in past movies, prefers passivism. The dialogue is also horrendously bad. Ethan says without a hint of irony that he doesn't trust Luthor, a man he literally trusts with his life on many occasions in past films. The helicopter guys complains about how he 'always has to copy' even though he has never once had to in this film and we've never seen him before this mission. Simon Pegg goes off on some rambling nonsense speech about how the mcguffin is probably some doomsday device to destroy humanity because he heard an anecdote from a professor once, and the other guys stand there listening as if they are actually taking him seriously. It's just a small example, the film is absolute trash. I can't watch this all the way through.
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