Ditchwater dull......
5 August 2022
I saw the first 7 or so mins. And realising i was due to miss Ian Mckellen who never fails to fill his excellent acting with every sinew of his mind and body.

As Ms. Dennis is the supposed major role here, she reminded me of what i I regard as the ghastly mundane side of 1960s and 70s Brit . Attempts That s to portray characteristic Englishness ! That said Waris Husein is usually an excellent reason to view anything he directed . Unfortunately , not this time !

An indication of good, bad or indifferent films often seems to be indicated by the tiny, or medium sized, or huge.numbers of reviewers ? This one I think has 10 reviews, my opine being the eleventh ! And sure enough it seems those small numbers are in agreement , or rather i am in agreement with them ! I changed channel to Dunkirk with Kenneth Branagh made in 2017 ! That film modestly has I believe over 200 reviews, albeit some viewers were far from satisfied , which is clearly irrelevant for this review? So, "A touch of love" is not an absolute flop, it simply does not reach the heights in 2022 that it may have been enjoyable for its viewers in 1968 or was it 69 ? That said, with all due respects to Mr Hussein, this film has no bite compared to a number of others from those years, "The L. Shaped Room" springs to mind and many others from those earlier years which definitely stands the (sometimes) brutal test of time ! The occasional similarities betwixt and between those 2 films produced within the same time frame is fascinating to observe ? Both love stories, both far apart from each other in my final assessment there are as i have said, many others,, one in particular that was produced in 1947 , which i have already reviewed not only favourably, also as one of the very best conclusions of any film i can recall, apart from most , almost all of Kubricks genius ?
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