NCIS: Gut Check (2013)
Season 11, Episode 9
Great episode, curious casting
7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The actual US SecNav at the time this aired was Ray Mabus, former Governor of Mississippi and former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. He was 65 at the time and a member of the DC old boy network, appointed by President Obama and approved by Congress.

So who to cast? Alan Alda? Corben Bernsen? No. Let's go with a tall attractive redhead. Leslie Hope!

I like Leslie Hope but she's usually a too smart for her own good investigator or reporter who won't give up her source while flirting with the male lead. Not a dupe carrying a bug into classified meetings. But, eh, it's TV, why not?

Bishop first struck me as an anorexic oddball but I thought she could prove herself in time. And as for anorexic, oh no. Emily Wickersham is athletic. Go check sites that post celebrities posed in provocative (skimpy) wardrobe styles. She's really hot and not covered with unflattering (drunken) tattoo choices.

I enjoyed this season not knowing that soon, DiNozo, Abby and eventually Bishop would be gone.
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