MacGyver: K9 + Smugglers + New Recruit (2019)
Season 3, Episode 15
A pathetic ripoff of the original...
9 August 2022
Notnomlynis this nothing like the original other than name the writing is horrible Just flipped on this on tv a few min ago while waiting for my wife to get home They had s03e15 playing and OMFG I was not sure if I should laugh or cry at the absolute load of BS bad writing they were trying to shovel Garbage like "shipments of ghost guns" that have killed "untold masses" Can the writers producers and even the on set armorer not take 5 min to at least try to educate themselves before spewing this nonsense?

Then a few min later you have the new supergirl addition that's taking on all the bad guys that are all 10plbs plus her size and supposedly all exmil etc etc but she's walkijng through them like they were grade 2 brats needing a spanking..

Even if you ignore the linage of the original show this remake is such absolute trash its pathetic....

Seriously... even as a base grade formulaic shoot bad guys blow up car /house/ somethin and good guys go home they botched that basic goal..... and missed the entire plot of the original

No shock RDA cant stand this remake

Irony as well the anti gun rhetoric drips off this trash in spades and yet they rely on the very same tools for 90% of their content hypocrisy knows no limits with this trash writing...
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