never mind the conspiracy nonsense let us discuss the actual programme
9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have to laugh.

Lots of people on IMDB and elsewhere going on about how it is a disgrace that the BBC have wiped the tapes (not true) or that there is some conspiracy about not repeating it.

Well it is getting repeated and am watching it.

The series cover a lot of controversial topics and this combined with the dated look of the production might be reasons why it has not been repeated till now.

All these people raving about how much they love this thing but they can't be bothered to review it?

I was 10 in 1970 for the first showing and 16 for the 1977 repeat.

I am sure I never saw it either time.

I do recall being 10/11 and watching ITV's Manhunt which also had adult situations and due to when it was made looks odd to modern viewers just as this production does.

But I have to say this is a very enjoyable viewing experience.

I read the books years ago and am obsessed with French history anyway so am loving watching this.

The plot is easy to follow and the acting is nearly always excellent.

As in the books of this trilogy the plot is mainly a device for the author to exercise his philosophy ideas.

But any viewer might find the debates interesting.

The viewer does not have to be a WW2 nut or a philosophy student to get gripped by the story.
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