Please Stop Calling Films Horror When They're NOT
14 August 2022
First of all, sinister ambience (which weren't even that many scenes), good acting and ominous soundtrack does not make a film a horror film. This film is anything but horror.

Yes, there are certain scenes that some people could find quite disturbing but, it's pretty unlikely that they will scare the hell out of you or cause you to sleep with the lights on at night. That's what a REAL horror film does to you and this film is nowhere near it.

Second, I didn't like the way it was shot as if it was an anthology. Especially the second part felt superfluous and could be cut almost entirely which could solve the lengthy running time of this flick. Two hours is unnecessarily long for this type of film and it shows especially at the halfway mark it just drags on and on.

Third, the characters were neither interesting nor relatable for me. I wasn't invested in anyone so, I really didn't care about what happened to any of them which took away the suspense and that's the last thing you want to happen to your audience as a director.

Lastly, I feel like many writers and directors don't really understand the horror genre at all and therefore they're clueless about what the audience expects from them.

Streaming networks know what's going on but you can't really market everything suspense/drama and keep subscribers so, they started slapping "Horror" almost under every new title just to be on the safe side.

This is starting to become a trend, calling films "Horror" that actually have nothing or very little to do with it and it's really starting to get on my nerves. I hope they stop doing that or horror film sales will take a nose dive pretty soon.

Overall, if you are in the mood for a really scary flick, don't be tricked by the fabricated hype because this ain't it. But if you have nothing else to do and want to watch something that'll help you sleep then go ahead and watch it. This film is so slow and boring, I bet it could cure your insomnia.
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