A weak entry into the franchise
14 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the first episode was dull and disappointing but episode 2 proves to be so much worse. This review is based on the stupidity of the second episode's writing, but the first episode is also bad.

I won't into too much detail but the aspect of the homeland security's son; in 3 sequences the the son leaves the safety of his father's car and jumps into the cab of the gasoline truck: why? In no real world situation would a kid just up and jump into a strange truck unprompted. The kid is younger then 10 years old (something about the kid with a bandaid on a toy reference). Then there's the part when the same agent goes towards the zombie that attacks his wife and the same son not running away from the zombie but instead going towards the zombie.

The writing on TWD franchises has been lazy and stupid these last few years but this single episode just proves how thoughtless the writers are.

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