Law & Order: Age of Innocence (2005)
Season 16, Episode 4
Fragile innocence
15 August 2022
The subject matter is a very sensitive one. It is also one of the most controversial there is, ith extreme opinions on both sides (more so than a lot of other controversial topics). Will always admire anything film and television related that explores it, regardless of how the execution fares. There are times where it is explored tactfully, movingly, intensely and insightfully, there are other times where it is handled heavy-handedly and with too much on one side. Which has been true for any subject tackled on 'Law and Order'.

It is not new territory as such for 'Law and Order', but it's very powerful when done well. Am always rather iffy when religion is brought into a case, and the franchise has really varied in its portrayal of religion, and just as much if it concerns a cult-ish group which risks the episode being a bizarre one. "Age of Innocence" may be one of the weaker episodes of Season 16 and is somewhat uneven, but it does a lot right and is an admirable episode on the whole.

"Age of Innocence" does do a lot right. The production values are slick and have a subtle grit, with an intimacy to the photography without being too claustrophobic. The music isn't used too much and doesn't get too melodramatic. The direction has momentum while being accommodating. The subject is mostly done with force and tact, with the attitudes being presented in an insightful way and where all sides are worth considering.

Script is taut and thought probing, especially in the second half, and the second half is suitably intricate and has a suitable amount of tension. The acting is very good from the regulars, and despite his character being rather over the top John Aylward is deliciously smug.

Did think though that some of the religious element was laid on too thick and on the bizarre side and that the supporting characters could have been written with a lot more subtlety and dimension rather than the overblown way some of them were written.

Felt too that the early portions were pretty ordinary.

Good episode overall. 7/10.
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