Better Call Saul: Nippy (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
An utter GARBAGE episode, better not call Saul after watching that tripe.
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
** Does contain Spoilers** Does contain Spoilers**. ** Possibly future episodes as well**. What made writers Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould, Alison Tatlock and Ariel Levine think we wanted to watch that rubbish. As FLAT and as washed out as they could get it. In B&W as well.

A NOTHING of an episode, embarrassing in far too many places. As if that security guard is going to eat that pastry thing consecutively around the 190 second mark, give or take 5 secs or so always sitting in a seat looking away from the screens. Stretched that improbability too far. And of cause EVERY time Saul popped around to add to that security guys waistline the other security guard just happened to clear off on his rounds. NOT VERY LIKELY. Too many 'as if's' spoil an episode.

And of cause the ludicrous notion that Saul would risk 30 years imprisonment for some clothing tat, when as we know he had a bag full of money. And income from all his shady lawyer work. PLUS of cause if there was the slightest chance he could 'get back' with his wife he would take it. Being banged up for 30 years he would have no chance. Hence would keep within the law.

So whether or not as we know he had a history of 'thrill seeking' he WOULD NOT HAVE DONE WHAT HE DID in that episode. A fraction of 1% probable chance that he would. A tiresome episode all the way through. Barely worth 1 star.

Far better the series ended after the last episode, going out with a BANG not a whimper, as per this episode.

3 more episodes to go but if they resemble this one in any way it'll get the 16x fast forward. Of cause if they do have the chemistry teacher guy in any of them, why not spoil the surprise completely by HAVING HIS NAME in the opening credits. Yea then it'll be a real big surprise won't it. AS per the title of the next episode. Producer schmucks. Oh that was Odinkirk as well as others wasn't it.

NEVER in any series have names of actors in opening credits, it SPOILS the surprise of seeing the episode, when some unexpected person is seen. ADDS to the episode. So it'll be the first 5 mins skipped and then seeing if the chemistry teacher guy 'in heaps of make up to try to make him look younger' turns up.

BIG DEAL if he does, it has to be said the standard of acting in BB was atrocious, only about 3 actors could even act. If that, just its main star and the Chicken guy, and the parking lot attendant. The REST could not act out of a paper bag. Embarrassing to watch many of the rest of the cast.

Only the plot and at times the action made it worth watching, far too over rated. Have not seen it all since it came out, yet something like the Sopranos gets folk watching it time & time again, though maybe Fast forwarding all the Meadow and her dopey brothers scenes. You learn to.

So there you are then, a poor episode and BCS has had a few good stinkers, this one was bad. Worth about 0.6 of a star out of 10.
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