Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
A Lawyer You Can Trust
16 August 2022
A few years ago I binged 'Breaking Bad', which is my favorite show of all time. Though, just having finished it's spin-off 'Better Call Saul' has made me truly question which one deserves the number one spot. This spectacular universe has thrived in both shows and managed to never let me down, not even once.

There are so many things to talk about. First of all, let's start with how clever the show is. And I'm not only talking about the story itself, but also about how the story has been created. A major plot was based on just a couple of sentences from 'Breaking Bad' which is incredible to say the least.

Even though we knew the fate of most characters because of 'Breaking Bad', the show still managed to make me feel worried for them. We can thank the incredible actors for this, as well as the writing and direction. Each actor stood their ground next to each other and kept their level top notch.

The feeling of inevitability looms over the entire story which can be painfully confronting at times when you catch yourself hoping for the best.

Saul Goodman is obviously the main character, but the show has managed to establish some of the best 'side' characters in television (if we can even call them that). Their fictional lives matter and intrigue me greatly. Every significant person around Saul/Jimmy/Gene has gotten their own character study - which they righteously deserve.

Speaking of character studies; this show is obviously one major study for Bob Odenkirk's multi-layered character- and it's great. The writers take their time to add small but significant details that make the ending of his story satisfying. Having to "compete" against a legendary character like 'Heisenberg' wasn't easy but the creators of this show definetely made it seem like it was.

The cinematography in this series is unique and ground breaking. It holds onto what we know from 'Breaking Bad' and evolves into something beautiful of its own as we progress. The soundtrack is subtle but matters, as well as the sound design which is pristine.

Usage of mirrors, shadows, silhouttes, symmetry and color/lighting (for example black & white shots) tranform this show into a filmography masterclass. Locations, timeperiods and even emotions are often described with these methods - without words being present in the scene.

Every different director carries their part well and as a viewer it's obvious that they're all working together towards the same endgame for the story. The plot is clever and doesn't leave behind any plot holes that would throw the viewer of or make the universe seem uncanny.

For some it might start of slow, but it definetely rewards the viewer when we take a look at the overall story arch of all the amazing characters combined. 'Better Call Saul' is a perfect five star show for me. I couldn't have wished for anything better. I'm truly going to miss watching this masterpiece of television and I'll forever remember it, alongside it's predecessor.
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