Col & Ray's antipodean cousins are in town.
16 August 2022
This Minder story must've drawn some inspiration from the Sweeney episode 'Golden Fleece', and it's equally good fun. A mystery Australian woman turns up at the Winchester out of the blue, and asks Arthur Daley if he can put her in touch with a long lost mutual friend of theirs called Gary Mitchell; seeing as she's only too willing to buy his bent gear Arthur is happy to oblige, but remains unaware of her true motives for finding her 'darling Gary.' There's lots going for this episode, including a great cast of characters with names like Mournful and Carp; a neat twist in the plot, location filming around old London pubs during a heatwave, and Arthur's hilariously ropey recollection of the "Yarrow marches".

By now Minder was going from strength to strength, and its hard to recall a single weak episode from the first four series.
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