I knew it was a dud when...
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...I suddenly thought to myself, "How did Donna Reed ever get stuck in this this film?"

It actually started out okay, and often rather liked Dana Andrews. But this just seemed to sink deeper and deeper into maudlin behavior AND, perhaps more importantly, made a fatal error (at least for me). Andrew's character was given 3 hours to accomplish all he had to do. That wasn't practical at all, and was clearly not sensible as the plot moved along. Three days might have worked. But not 3 hours. That pretty much killed the film for me. Then there was the so sloppy film editing, where we see Donna Reed's son run out of the farm house, then he's suddenly back in the farm house. Then he runs out of the farm house...again. Mama mia!

I didn't even like Donna Reed's performance here, and yet I always felt she was an underrated actress.

Frankly, there's not a lot to say about this film. But it is key to the reality that it was in the middle of several films that led to Dana Andrew's career decline. Although this is a Technicolor film, it simply wasn't very engaging. Not recommended unless you are a tremendous fan of Dana Andrews. It's simply just another of those 'one too many Westerns" that pretty much led to the near death of the genre.
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