The Lack Of Continuity In Relation To The Original Really Hurts This Film.
19 August 2022
This second installment in the Bad News Bears series is a horrible, horrible travesty.

It is patently worse than the original on a number of levels.

Firstly, there is absolutely no continuity between it and the first film...at all.

It picks things up with a totally new storyline that doesn't really make any sense in relation to the first film.

Rather, it is solely done to prolong the series with a third film, where they go to Japan (and it all inevitably culminates with a p__n installment).

For example, why would the bears be chosen to play a game at the Astros stadium, in order to win a chance to go to Japan and play a Japanese team...when the Yankees had won the previous season?! (They do portray them as the "California Champs", but none of the kids have aged, so the explanation seems forced and lacking).

On top of this, despite the fact that many of the same kids have returned to continue their roles, the ones missing- most notably Walther Matthau as the coach, the gun slinging girl pitcher and a replacement actor for Englebert, the chubby catcher- really leave a gaping void that the rest of the film fails to overcome.

As no explanation is given for their absences.

That aside, the acting is notably worse on pretty much every front.

With the cinematography and direction being mediocre at best.

To be fair, things do come around a bit in the second half of the film, once they get to the Astros stadium and start playing the game.

But it's hard to overshadow the shortcomings of the rest of the film.

The plot revolves around Kelly re-establishing his relationship with his estranged father, who acts as their coach for the game, whipping them into shape, and sticking up for them when they are about to have their chance for glory ripped away from them.

And there's nothing wrong with that, but it's tainted by the homophobic machismo, which is much more prevalent in this film, as compared to the original (which it was also present in, however).

That just sends the wrong message to kids.

So, even though the stadium scenes do get you rooting for the underdogs again...the film fails to redeem itself, in relation to the whole.

And in that sense, it is not recommended.

3 out of 10.
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