This is up there with MXC and American Gladiators - it's awesome
21 August 2022
I literally made this account to respond to the comment made by the rude armchair Samurai about the AWESOME Tu Lam.

We watched this show because it made us smile, laugh and we oohed and awwwed with people trying their damn best on TV to cut random bits of chicken, fish, ice, straps, rope and wood.

I don't care what Tu Lam or Goldberg or ANY of these people know about swords. I just care about if it's great TV and it makes me excited to see people cutting crap, it makes me want to learn how to make stuff and go cut it up in an obstacle course of my own creation.

Tu Lam is adorable and is awesome and his and Goldberg's on-screen chemistry is awesome. This Tu Lame hate is honestly from a sad human.

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