Self Indulgent Narcissism
21 August 2022
The trailer was intriguing so I decided to watch, but the whole way through i was just annoyed. I stuck with it because I wanted to see what happened, but essentially nothing really happens. I still don't get what the whole "Anarchy" movement is about, but by watching this it seems like it's people, who don't want to follow the rules of any organized gvt mainly to avoid being taxed by the IRS, who get together once a year in Acapulco to get drunk/high and attend seminars on how to break rules while staying within the confines of another government in another country. Seems pretty pointless other than people with enough money to "operate outside the confines of societies rules" get together once a year and have a big party for 4 days in a hotel. None of the people in the documentary are likeable on any level and, after watching all 6 episodes, I can honestly say it amounts to nothing more than a reality show with spoiled, entitled, middle aged adults.
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