'Allo 'Allo!: René of the Gypsies (1991)
Season 7, Episode 10
Good end to the series.
21 August 2022
A plan is hatched to get The British Airmen out of the sewers, a gypsy festival, unfortunately they're reluctant to attend.

It's a pretty good final episode of the Seventh series. They really went to town with the production values, it looks super, the festival in particular looks terrific. Nothing particularly side splitting, but it's generally funny, with a few nice scenes, I thought René himself stole the show here.

I enjoyed the scenes where René and Edith visited The Gypsies, and they got to hear her sing, their collective reactions were funny.

It's the final end for The British Airmen and Bertorelli I believe, in all fairness, I think they've gone as far with both as they possibly could have, I wish they'd written Bertorelli out in the previous series, they really did take too many liberties with replacing actors on the show.

I know more changes are coming.

Solid, 7/10.
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