I Was There (2022– )
22 August 2022
I couldn't give a title because. I didn't know how to title this series.

I came across it by accident, I download everything I can lay my hands on, because I live in Ireland; and don't have access to knowledgeable programmes.

I have no idea who the presenter is, apparently he is mainstream on something or other, (I'm 64).

A reviewer wasn't impressed, and said so. That is their right. However, I disagree. The point is missed.

History is what came before us. There is much history. Not all of it is recorded, and what is, can be lost.

This series shows historic events, in snapshots (the modern way), and in some instances, gives information that wasn't know previous.

Remember this, There is no one alive who fought in WW1. Soon, there will be no one alive who fought in WW2. THAT is OUR history.

AND, what appears to be conviently forgotten is, if memory serves; the show host is a decendent of The Tuskeeges. I'm still only an Irishman however, they earn my admiration.

Many hear about the Battle of Britain, few hear about The Tuskeeges. I believe there were two movies made about them. I've watched both. If there are more, or documentaries about these brave men? I'd like to see them.

I am a human, so were they. I haven't saved our world, they did. And don't you EVER forget that.
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