Review 2022
22 August 2022
Watery soup. Let me start out by saying that I do have fond memories of watching TNG when it first aired but this is the first time I have ever watched each and every episode in the chronological order they were first broadcast. I have to say that so far, I have found most of the stories relating to season three to be somewhat tedious. Sure, there have been highlights here and there, but again and again I find the stories tend to tread old familiar ground. And so it is with this episode. A member of the crew on trial episode with so many twists and turns that I honestly lost interest about 10 minutes in though I forced myself to stay to the end. There are definitely much better episodes of TNG out there. Even in season three there are better episodes, and I can imagine that when I finally complete my survey that this one may feature within the 'Worst Episodes' category.
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