Fangs (1981)
Could've Been Great Fun
25 August 2022
A live chicken's throat is cut in the opening credits so it lost points with me right there. The movie stars off like a fun and blatant Rocky Horror ripoff. Then we arrive at Dracula's castle. I had to fast forward this movie's take on the "Time Warp." A bunch of people with painted faces and rubber Halloween masks do an interpretive dance that goes on for far too long.

The movie takes a 15 minute break in the middle to make a long-winded joke about how doctors, plumbers, mechanics, tutors, contractors, etc, are vampires (haha, they take your money...) We get the joke. We don't need to see 15 minutes worth of vignettes to get it across when it was barely funny the first time.

The movie does make a hilarious Christopher Lee joke that I enjoyed.
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