A sequel that holds up
26 August 2022
In The Irish Connection, Aureille Flemming starts off hiding that she is a secret agent. When that quickly unravels due to Astin Brody showing up and warning her mark who she is. This causes Aureille to respond to a previous threat she made...Anybody from her past life that confronted her, she'd get revenge.

She sets out to find out what happened and why is a Priest seemingly the culprit

Not all principal players return for this sequel, but ones that do is good to see how their characters evolved since the first film. More new characters are present as well, and they are good additions to the series. Rosa Coduri is brilliant as Aureille, over her predecessor Helena Roman's Charlotte, she's very comfortable in the role. I really enjoyed Nicola Wren as her boss.

The movie is faster paced than the original and never gets boring, and there is a nice blend between the action and the drama. This movie also features a car chase that wants to be Bullitt, but is lacking in action, but makes up for it in humor.

The movie ends with promise of a third installment, and I would like to see that.
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