26 August 2022
No pun intended and maybe the trifecta (word) that is missing from the title. The movie and sequel itself is anything but a destruction. Actually as you can see with my rating I kind of think this is well done. Considering people say that the older you get, the grumpier you get ... maybe I am not there yet. Bare with me - and this slasher movie.

I don't even remember the other movie - which is quite obvious considering the low score I gave it. This one however has way better actors in it, I would argue from the trailer I rewatched from the first, it looks way better too. And the effects are probably a bit more .. at least refined.

You get quite the bloody affair here (again sorry for the pun), but it works in favor of the movie. Unless you have issues and are faint of heart ... probably shouldn't be watching this anyway. The ending is a bit ... well lukewarm I think is what people would call it, but other than that, this works its charm ...
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