Quite on the money
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Every year around this time my thoughts turn to the nearly 3000 victims of that unforgettable attack on US soil known in colloquial terms as '9/11.' For those of us old enough to remember where we were on the historical date of September 11, 2001, may we never forget the horror of what happened. LOOSE CHANGE 9/11: AN AMERICAN COUP is one of the better documentaries out there (among the slew of films on 9/11), that not only serves as a helpful reminder but critically analyzes the official narrative of events rather effectively.

After nearly a ten-minute introductory lesson on the proven conspiracies and coverups of past corrupt governmental factions -- these highlighted in order to provide a bit of historical context, so as to help lend weight to the film's overarching motif -- the doc finally gets down to examining the events of and leading up to 9/11 with a brief mentioning of a report published in September 2000 titled 'The Project for the New American Century,' a rather damning little piece of evidence that quite possibly falls into the category known in para-political jargon as 'revelation of the method.'

Later on in the film we learn of a wargames exercise that took place in June 2001 called 'Amalgam Virgo,' which simulated a series of events eerily similar to what would later occur in reality on 9/11. (Hmm.)

There are questions that are asked in the film whose inferred answers all point to something truly fishy having gone on. One of the peculiarities discussed only briefly is the fact that no surviving parts of any of the four planes involved in 9/11 were made available for independent study. No surviving parts equals no serial numbers in which to verify the alleged sources of the impacts. We are told that it was a commercial airplane that smashed into the Pentagon on this infamous date in human history, whereas others have suspected it might have been a missile instead. (If the latter is true, then the implications are enormous.)

Since 9/11, there's been a lot of wacky conspiracy theories that have floated around the internet which have only served to distract and to muddy the waters for those of us only after the truth. One of these is that a caveman named Osama bin Laden orchestrated the attacks. Aside from this preposterous assertion, there's been others, no doubt inserted into the (sub)cultural dialog by intel agents and paid shills with the aim of throwing serious, honest-hearted researchers off track. Among the more far-fetched and ludicrous of theories is the one fanatically promulgated by anti-Zionists, who point a finger at Mossad, in their believing 9/11 to have been primarily about benefiting Israel, as part of some elaborate geopolitical agenda. This to me is absolutely absurd when clearly the evidence points to the House of Saud having been more than likely involved more than any other foreign players.

This is the only disappointing aspect of LOOSE CHANGE, in that it fails to concern itself with trying to answer the two most important questions surrounding 9/11: Who and Why? About midway through, the film (as so many other 9/11 docs frustratingly do) gets bogged down in discussing what curiously is for many independent investigators a favorite sub-topic of theirs -- controlled demolition; an analytical point that has been talked to death and which in a sense ends up missing the forest for the trees. Aside from this unfortunate bit of microscopic and technical quagmire that we encounter in the film, LOOSE CHANGE 9/11: AN AMERICAN COUP is overall one of the better documentaries around on this never outdated topic.
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