Aside From Wanda Maximoff/ The Scarlet Witch, This Film Is Messy, Boring And Underwhelming
27 August 2022
Pros: 1. Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff/ The Scarlet Witch) gives a really amazing performance. She nails the emotional arc of The Scarlet Witch/ Wanda Maximoff.

2. There were Sam Raimi (Director) horror undertones, with the help of well-timed jump-scares, and they help to keep you on edge.

3. The fight scenes, for the most part, are fun and engaging.

4. The Scarlet Witch makes for a brilliant villain with her emotional pull, complexity and ruthlessness.

Cons: 1. Some of the CGI is really bad. For example, the third eye on Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) looks like it's just been copy-and-pasted.

2. The information Wong (Benedict Wong) gives to The Scarlet Witch on the Dark Hold seems to be done, just to set up the tower setting. Which is bizarre, because she went to the length of attacking the sorcerer stronghold for said information.

3. Jett Klyne (Tommy Maximoff) and Julian Hilliard (Billy Maximoff) both deliver wooden performances.

4. The new heroes introduced are extremely underwhelming. They're introduced, and then pretty much killed off in the next scene, leaving their introduction pointless.

5. There's not enough focus on the multiverse. The characters just hop from one different universe to the next, with little aim. The multiverse ended up feeing like a gimmick, rather than a relevant plot point.

6. The new Professor Charles Xavier wheelchair looks utterly ridiculous; it looks like it belongs on Pimp My Ride.

7. The musical note fight scene between two Doctor Strange's from different universes was just plain bizarre and distracting.

8. The constant melodrama going on between Doctor Strange and Dr. Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams) was absolutely uninteresting.

9. The movie was all over the place, both tonally and plot-wise.
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