I'm surprised that Netflix put their name on this attempt at a "Making of..." a fake documentary
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't really a documentary, as it's founded on lies. It's also not *really* a crime story, because it's hard to tell if anyone is actually chasing the subject for any alleged crimes.

John McAfee has already skipped town by the start of this. He allegedly kills his neighbor and then wants to move away. Vice sends these two incompetent boobs to follow his escape from the law - which is exactly what you don't want when running across international borders, possibly ducking a murder charge, is a "film" "crew"...both terms are charitably used in this case.

For trying to be a fugitive, there's a lot of documentation, exact coordinates, and announcing what a fugitive he is to anyone who will listen (18 year old hookers to wig shop flunkies). Which makes sense, because even those who can suspend disbelief for these kinds of things is asking questions about the veracity of this about 25 minutes in. By the halfway point, you just go, "oh, this is all made up." While the vice guys continue to make it about themselves - despite how uninteresting and slack-jawed they are (no one surprised you man, the best interviewee outfit you had was overalls? Stop it.) - this other also-ran comes along in the form of a ghostwriter. He ends up having pathetically superficial sound bytes while being blissfully aloof to his subject...so he's just as worthless as the vice clowns. One of which goes, "someone told me I take a nice picture" while detailing his life - irrelevantly, as the film isn't about him - but that's not obvious considering how poorly this is all shot. I've seen better cinematography and production value when Bob Saget was voicing over confused children on America's Funniest Home Videos.

For Netflix to try to stretch this over 100 minutes is more daring than anything revealed in the mock doc (I guess?). There's really nothing appealing here other than it's a story I've never heard before - but then you realize it's mostly fake, and all you have is an old drug abuser who is on a long bender but has no interesting friends.
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