Lost: LA X: Part 1 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 1
Who cares if Kate is a great criminal.
30 August 2022
It feels so forced to have her escape over & over. Not realistic. Like yeah we know that she's one of the higher paid actors probably but just let her get arrested and don't force this fake plot like that she's this escape artist. She was a murderer and deserved to get punished for that. Dislike feminine heroism forced narrative is not virtue signaling to anyone.

And the rest part of this review will be me filling the 600 character limit. So I hope that this feels a little bit, but if not I'll write some more. So just ignore this part. But the review still stands. Turns out 600 is a lot more than I thought so I'm going to keep writing until I don't get denied. Because I love the show but I think that does Kate narrative is so forced and not helpful or realistic at all. Sawyer is amazing though!
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