Review of Bite Me!

Bite Me! (2004 Video)
1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm watching this right now on TUBI , 8/31/2022 11:38pm NYS USA time - it's goofy as all hell but funny and the fight scenes between GINA & the 2 guys looked better than the fights in the current MCU movies , so I recommend watching this movie at least once - just watch and enjoy the cheesiness of it all - the story is reused from different movies and the acting is okay but at least it's edited so the viewers can actually see whats happening - my score 7 STARS ⭐ - why does my review require 600 characters , I already typed my opionions of this movie , I guess I could mention the DON'T CARE ATTITUDES of the cast in their dialogue and behavior , it's actually fun to watch -
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