Alone in the Neon Jungle (1988 TV Movie)
Nice title! But as for the rest...
1 September 2022
So, you're watching a film made in the 80's about a female police sergeant who's been brought into clean up a corrupt precinct. What do you expect from your hour-and-a-half's worth of entertainment?

Gritty realism? Authentic violence? Bad language? Perhaps, given the gender of the new gal in charge, a bit of underlying sexual tension between the lady officer and her mostly chauvinistic male coppers?

Maybe it's the fact that this is an undemanding Made-For-TV. Maybe they sanitised it too much to try appealing to a wider audience. Or perhaps, the director and writer were just plain crap.

In any case, what you have instead is a rather boring tale of the new Ma'am dealing with a simple case of burglary in the department, knocking a few heads together and solving the problem with relative ease. Oh, and a few scenes where you sits at home moaning to her hunky husband about how 'tough' her new job is. Bless!

That's it. No real excitement, tension or God forbid, anything vaguely interesting happens whatsoever. There's a lot of tedious conversations that lead nowhere and bad attempts at jokes though... so if you like that kinda thing, I guess you're in hog heaven.

Now I hate genre cliches as much as the next guy, but what I wouldn't have given for a nice, juicy car chase or shootout to relieve the ongoing blandness.

No such luck. And if they were trying for a small-scale drama instead, that doesn't here work either. Everything feels too clean compared to what a REAL police station would be like if it was dripping with corruption, and the glaring absence of anything vaguely controversial means the whole enterprise feels as phony as a four dollar bill.

So in other words, it's a complete strikeout on all fronts. Avoid, avoid, AVOID.

Oh, as a final insult (because after suffering through this I'm in no mood to be charitable) the opening titles are some of the worst I've ever seen. Yeesh. 3/10.
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