Are you the guests or the owners?!
1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A bland film with good acting, bland storyline, bland plots, inconceivable story arcs, lame vibe and flow included and combined with a gorilla ending upside down.

It is not my cup of tea, has some merits in its acting, but the snail flow and maquette ending just ruin it.

Everything is wasted in this movie, even the cash flow. Not surprisingly, almost nobody cares watching and reviewing it.

  • Screenplay/story: 4
  • Development: 7
  • Realism: 5
  • Entertainment: 5
  • Acting: 6.5
  • Filming/cinematography: 6
  • VFX: 6.5
  • Music/score: 6.5
  • Depth: 4
  • Logic: 3
  • Flow: 5
  • Comedy/horror: 4
  • Ending: 3.
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