Dark, fast and actually quite funny
3 September 2022
Like a book you just can't put down and have to finish in one go, this gets you hooked immediately.

It's actually very funny but only Charles Laughton seems to appreciate that this film is a comedy. His eccentric character, subtle mannerisms, timing and delivery are perfect. Whoever says that comedy in the early 30s wasn't sophisticated should watch this. Charles Laughton has a particularly English sense of wicked humour which seems a little lost on some people - including his co-stars: Dorothy Peterson for example. She plays his wife, Mrs Marble and she's the only thing wrong with this - I also have no idea what sort of English accent she's trying to do - Minnesotashire? Taking this so seriously and not noticing Charles Laughton's little in-jokes however makes her a little reminiscent of Margaret Dumont in the early Marx Brothers films. She just adds to the overall silliness.

As silly and amusing this as this film is, it's also a very dark and shocking drama and like all the best serious dramas, it's peppered with dark humour and acted superbly. Having played this role on stage Charles Laughton brilliantly transferred his finely honed performance to film. Unlike a lot of play to film transfers in the early 30s which don't quite seem like proper films, this is different. German whiz kid director, Lothar Mendes and MGM's usual level of professionalism really bring this to life, add excitement and slip in a few unexpected twists. Definitely worth a watch.
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