I'm not 100% sure how I feel yet
4 September 2022
Having served with 2/7 in this specific and previous deployments, I would agree the combat was ferocious at times.

My struggle with the film is in the overall mental health of the guys shown, and how they truly feel after leaving this event. Mental recovery should be progressive, always moving forward. For some in this film, it was obviously evident they continue to struggle with self harm or suicidal ideation. How is it beneficial to be around only others like you? Professional help is needed at some point. My concern is that viewers will take this film, and believe it in its entirety. Possibly even walk away with the "yep, I knew they were all crazy" impression. No, we are not. Many of us have gone on to live/have very successful lives. I heard numerous accounts or "stories" being brought up that aren't true. I think my name is even mentioned in one of them. What are you even talking about guys? Again, I was there. It didn't happen that way, or any way for that matter. Recounting events is one thing. Making them up as you go is another. It's just as unhealthy to remember events incorrectly as it may have been to actually be there for it.

I also would've preferred there be a more distinct line drawn between the struggle(s) and the solution. Simply getting together and talking about hurting or killing yourself isn't helpful to anyone. If more in-depth, corrective conversations happened, they didn't show it in this film, or even hint directly at there being any. A list of resources would've also been nice to see in there somewhere.

Ditto on the comment about invites. I didn't even realize this was a thing until YouTube told me about it. These are all guys from a specific company within the battalion. I'm not entirely sure that so many invites were actually extended.
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