Wow, Star Trek is back!
4 September 2022
I'm surprised, amazed, kind of blown away and not because this is the best show ever, it isn't but it is a really good Star Trek show. I was hooked when I started watching it and with other shows like Discovery, I have felt myself forcing myself to watch it sometimes vs genuinely enjoying every episode. This has that old school feel to it and I think that is because they find such a good balance between making things feel new and yet still giving everything that old school vibe such as the ship, uniforms etc. One other thing that also stands out is the storylines, the episodes genuinely feel like exploration again and they also show that you can throw some action in without the whole show hinging on it. It should be about the stories and not just an opportunity to blow everything up, all the time!

Overall this is such a good return to Star Trek roots that I blew through season one and now can't wait for season 2. I don't even mind the idea of watching it over again. I am so happy that they went back to the basics with the show and finally came up with a show that can be new and interesting and yet captures the classic nature of the original series. I have this 10 stars because I'm terms of Star Trek I think that it is nearly perfect and I enjoyed every episode of season one.
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