Locke & Key: The Snow Globe (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Downhill slide
4 September 2022
Wellp, it was fun while it lasted. This season kicks off with a thoroughly toothless departure from the source material. Not only does it fail to live up to the books in any way, season 3 comes across as a Disnified, CW version of a show that started out strong in season 1. Characters make assinine choices purely so that a plot can be built around a shallow idea. Nothing has serious consequences. Characters seemingly fail to learn anything from their world, which I suppose is fine since the world itself never follows the very rules it tries to establish. People do moronic things to service a few key scenes which themselves aren't worth the narrative sacrifices. Were these characters to switch places with their comic book counterparts, they would be dispatched by the end of vol.1. Or perhaps not, seeing as they're all gifted with a few healthy layers of plot armour.

A real shame as the actors all continue to do great jobs with the material they've been given and are fantastic at embodying the original characters from the books.
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