The Andy Griffith Show: Aunt Bee the Warden (1962)
Season 2, Episode 23
The Rock
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Andy captures four moonshiners and brings them to the jail. Otis can't serve his time there so Andy takes him home where aunt Bee is decorating cakes with the other women for the church social. Despite Andy's best efforts Otis makes a spectacle of himself in front of the women.

Barney meanwhile decides to rehabilitate the prisoners with some kits that make various things ( including Mr Potato head!) not a bad or unusual method of rehabilitation but it comes back to haunt Barney.

Aunt Bee takes a different approach and puts Otis to work. Mowing the lawn, washing windows , scrubbing floors, washing dishes, chopping wood, ect .he's frustrated and exhausted! Tries and fails to escape. It works though and he's not so eager to drink right away! On the other hand one of the prisoners makes a pass key with the metal craft set Barney gave him and they all escape. Andy and Barney recapture them and bring them to The Rock ( Otis's name for Aunt Bee's jail. They are terrified!

One of the best and funniest episodes.
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