Secrets Exposed (2022 TV Movie)
Mom talks like an avid watcher of CSI, Criminal Minds, and every "missing girl" movie
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is typical Lifetime, the dialogue is terrible. I won't rehash the synopsis, but I'll talk about the execution. While it's refreshing to not see the mom as a nervous wreck always scraeming "where's my daughter?!" like most Lifetime moms in these movies, the acting is still a bit dry. Referring to my title, she talks like she watches every procedural. She knows everything the police and a hacker should be doing.

Why would such a high profile client use such a username? That would be dumb as bricks.

There's also a weird scene where Joanna (mom) finds her daughter's friend dead in the student's apartment, and someone comes up behind her and puts a bag over her head. Fade to black for the police are there. Um, ok so what happened? How did she get away from her attacker? She's still in the apt and obviously was able to call 911. The movie budget likely didn't have room for too much action, but she didn't even (onscreen) explain to the police what happened. I even rewound it because I was sure I blinked and missed something.

It's part of Stranger Danger, I guess, but it's not that great. I considered turning it off after about a half hour, but then I really turned it off when the mom started strategizing that coffee and pastries would break down the suspect. I mean, it's obviously going to, but this movie is too silly. Even for Lifetime. The dialogue is so PSA-like that it makes it hard to listen to. Of course the police are useless, as they oft are in these. It's also a bit much that the baseline reason for Lizzie's choices is her mom's student loans. Come on.

It's also interesting how the professor has zero problems hacking and breaking the law (on campus at that), but in a different movie (My Husband's Killer Girlfriend), an actual criminal hacker shows restraint. Mom and the Professor are doing all of this out in the open in the school's library, lol. She's also staying at his apartment...while her daughter is missing in a strange place and she really has no reason to trust anybody she doesn't know? After a day, they are resisting feelings. Come on. There's also a goofy scene where a henchman bum rushes Joanna and takes some papers. Lol, it was too goofy to be real.

It's not unwatchable, but there are better my-daughter-is-missing stories on this channel. After I turned it off, I looked up a summary and sure enough, it ended exactly how I predicted. You'll honestly see it coming a mile away.

P. S. At no point does the school get involved in this...never mind that a student is missing and another is dead.
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