Avatar (2009)
Loved it.
6 September 2022
While by no means a perfect movie, it's very, very good. Great entertainment. Great characters and although a rehash of an old story, and parts of it were a bit ho-hum, it's generally creatively massaged into a new environment, although I couldn't tell if he was going for a Native American experience or an African one. Character development lagged a bit and I thought it weird how Weaver's character had such a different personality depending on whether she was in her human shoes or her Na'vi ones. As far as the acting goes, nothing real taxing here and the cast did a pretty good job. Neytiri was far and away my favorite character, Jake coming in as a close second. TBH, the only thing that turned me off were those tails. Not sure why but there had to be a better way.

All in all, great entertainment and even though there was some violence, no blood and guts so OK for younger viewers. I watched it twice on two different days because it was such a "new" concept, I wanted to be sure I caught everything. Enjoyed it the second time as much as the first time.
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