Brazil (1985)
If good directing is taking what is in your head and transcending it to the screen, Thenbthis is one if the best examples ever.
7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the most creative films ever made.

Like 1984 put through a paper shredder and then reassembled.

A Dystopian World, it is also very satirical.

The Technology that annoyingly doesn't quite work.

The over the top Bureaucracy that makes the simplist tasks impossible.

The scenery that has been replaced by advertising boards.

It's sort of the future but it's sort of the 1950s too.

Jonathan Pryce is brilliant as Sam Lowri a low level bureaucrat who up until now has led a boring life, he daydreams about being a flying Warrior who saves this girl (The dream sequences are excellent) When he sees a girl who resemble the one in his dreams, he starts to abuse what little power he has to find out who she is without considering the consequences.

Also a lot of the revolves around Robert De Niro playing a vigilante heating engineer in a World where the government do everything.

Tuttle is a man wanted by the government for his rogue engineering work and a typo leads to the wrong man being arrested.

Also in this film all government officials are jobsworths and unhelpful even when the situation is life and death.

The parts featuring Lowris Mother and her plastic surgery are hilarious.

Michael Palin is excellent as the torturer who is capable of leaving his work at work and then acting as a friendly Charming Man.

It is terrifying but hilarious at the same time.

Especially the scenes after his arrest.

I would describe it as more like a dream where not everything quite makes sense but you just accept it and this why the ending caught me out the first time I seen it. You don't even question why he can walk through a door and end up in another part of the city.

This is one of my all time favourites.
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