August Creek (2017 TV Movie)
Cheaters Meets Hallmark?
8 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was on my way to loving this movie.... The leading lady was cute, the guy was handsome, and it broke from the usual Hallmark formula. However, my feelings about the movie turned south when I realized that the handsome man she was going to end up with...was also the person with whom she had cheated on TWO other men! According to what I've learned in life, previous unfaithfulness doesn't exactly lead to a long, happy, monogamous marriage between the two cheaters. This movie is even more of a fairy tale than most normal Hallmark movies are.

If you can suspend belief in reality long enough to watch this movie, you'll probably enjoy it. In theory, it is a very touching movie.

The one other thing I want to mention is a heads-up for families who expect Hallmark movies to be innocent: This one depicts an unmarried couple sleeping in the same bed on multiple nights, as well as a woman saying she and her fiance haven't "'done it' in x weeks." There is also some drunken behavior and a couple discussions of how drunk a person got to explain why they did/said certain regrettable things.
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