Strange visit.
8 September 2022
Tom is a small time something-or-other, with a cheap blonde. They get into a Mexican bar and acquire a bandito in full regalia named Pancho. A dark little latin girl joins them and they all go to Pancho's lair, or hideout, or safe house. There, Pancho flirts with Tom's gal and Tom with Pancho's. After some clumsey attempts at making a pass, including promising some pearls, Pancho is rebuffed. Tom's making more progress with the Mexican girl, and show's Pancho his caveman technique. Pancho again tries it on the American girl, this time she (offscreen) throws furniture around. Pancho allows his new pals to walk around and enjoy the unelaborate hacienda. Then, two American "Kidnap Kings" try to abduct Pancho, but he soon, with help from his men, and some bumbling by Tom, outwits them. Tom and the girls leave Pancho quite amiably, the girls revealing that they stole the pearls and other jewels to Tom as they leave, certainly within Pancho's sight, but he doesn't really care. The end.

What a pointless, dull waste of time. It's no wonder that Educational got a bad reputation, with weak minutes of nothing like this.
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